Anxiety, fear & phobia therapists
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EFT Practitioner - Omokoroa - Sharon
Therapy Omokoroa - Tauranga

3114 Omokoroa

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Sharon | EFT Practitioner

Therapy Omokoroa - Tauranga

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Kia Ora,


My name is Sharon. I live in Omokoroa, just north of Tauranga, and have three adult children who live in other cities.  I am available for in-person sessions at my home, or online.


In my practice I hold a compassionate space for you and guide you to safely approach and seek resolution for your phobia, fear or anxiety. We work in a co-creative partnership, where I help you to develop your own power to deal with, learn, and grow through fear and anxiety into resilience. I love to see my clients grow through this process.


Emotional Freedom Techniques (Tapping)

EFT is my primary modality, and many clinical trials have shown it to be an effective treatment for fear, anxiety, depression and phobias, as well as other (often related) psychological and physical issues, such as stress, pain, sleep problems and autoimmune conditions.


No matter how irrational or extreme your fear may seem, you may be surprised to know that its severity is actually unrelated to how it was acquired, your recollection of the onset, and if recalled, whether it was due to a single or multiple traumatic events. Some phobias run in families. Some fears and phobiea can clear quickly. Others may take longer as we work to discover and clear all aspects.


Together we gently explore and neutralise your fears, anxieties and/or phobia and the associated physical sensations and memories. EFT has a variety of gentle techniques that can effectively do this without plunging you into the extremities of how it makes you feel.


Mindfulness, self-compassion, nonjudgment and curiosity are integral to my EFT practice.  As we work together you will find that you become more relaxed about your problem, neutralising the hold it has on you. This allows new insights to emerge, along with more resilience in your daily life.


What I love about EFT is that it is empowering. It is easy to learn so can be used as a self help tool, it quickly calms the nervous system, and it works directly to balance the energy and emotions in the body rather than trying to analyse or "think" your way out, or use willpower to fix or control the situation.  


I find it so rewarding that such a simple technique applied with compassion, mindfulness and curiosity can have such profound beneficial effects.  This is why I am passionate about making it available to my community, and about extending my knowledge and skills in related fields. 

I am always seeking to learn techniques and modalities to add to my "kete" and enhance my ability to empower my clients to heal (for example working with food cravings, allergies, dreams, women’s health, ancestral/inherited trauma).



Other areas I am trained in:



I particularly enjoy combining dreamwork with EFT. Dreams offer us direct insights, unencumbered by our logical thinking minds, into what is going on in our emotional life. Because they speak in symbols and metaphors we often find our dreams confusing and illogical.  In our sessions together we work with dream symbols to tease out the connections they have to what is going on in your waking life, and then apply EFT to help bring understanding and greater ease to the emotional and/or energetic aspects of these situations.


It is no coincidence that the Buddha attained enlightenment while sitting under a tree. In Ecotherapy we go outside to connect and commune with the natural world. We enter mindfully and respectfully into the environment with the issue in mind that we want to work with. 

We come into partnership and relationship with nature. I walk alongside you, guiding you to engage with elements of the natural world as they support you, resonate with you, reflect back to you some aspect of your problem.

Together we immerse into the healing power of nature to deepen understanding and to seek healing and resolution. Ecotherapy sessions may also include tapping.  Normally we would work inside for at least one or two sessions before venturing into nature.


Esoteric Hypnosis

In Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis we enter into a more spiritually focussed approach to healing. 

Hypnotique is a systematic, holistic hypnotherapy protocol that takes you through a journey of healing at all levels of your being: personality, aura, chakras, DNA and soul. It applies the knowledge of neuroscience, the discoveries of quantum physics and the 12,000 year old healing and shamanic secrets of ancient Egypt. 

I love working at this deep level and seeing the transformation it can bring to my clients' lives.

Clients must commit to the entire 9-session programme. Single sessions are not available.


Background and experience

I received my EFT International practitioner accreditation in 2018 and my Advanced Practitioner certification in 2021.  I completed my Esoteric Hypnosis training in late 2021 and Ecotherapy training in early 2022


I have worked with adults one-on-one in a variety of areas including relationship problems, troublesome memories and emotions, weight loss/food cravings, anxiety, depression, anger management, fear, physical pain, allergic reactions, relaxation/sleep, and general/vague feelings of unease/discontent. 

I have been involved with dreamwork since 2001 when I first learned the Dream Council group process. I have facilitated Dream Council groups and EFT dream groups, and trained with Toko Pa Turner who offers a group process for coming into relationship with our dreams and learning their “secret longings”. I have worked one-on-one with clients and their dreams, and always enjoy witnessing the insights, the "aha!" moments and the consequent healing that emerges.


If you have any questions or would like to know more about me, please feel free to email me and/or we can set up a time for a Zoom connection call to see if we're a good fit to work together.


Online therapy

EFT is as effective online as it is in person. In fact, I work with most of my clients online. To use this option you need a good internet connection adn a private space where you will be uninterrupted and not worried about being overheard.  Space to move around is also useful, as I may sometimes ask you to stand up and do some body movements

I prefer to work on Zoom, as it is a secure and stable platform, where privacy is assured..  I will send you a link the day before our session.  if you prefer to work on another platform (eg Skype, Messenger chat, WhatsApp,  Microsoft Teams etc) we can do that, although please be be aware that many of these are not as secure as Zoom.

Qualifications and registrations

  • EFT International Accredited Certified Advanced EFT Practitioner
  • Certified Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis Practitioner
  • Trainings in Ecotherapy, Ceremony and Ritual for Earth Connection,  Alleviating Allergies with Energy Psychology,  Ancestral Clearing 
  • Member of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology
  • Member of the EFT Guild



I have worked with adults one-on-one in a variety of areas including relationship problems, troublesome memories and emotions, anger management, weight loss/food cravings, anxiety, depression, physical pain, allergic reactions, women's health, relaxation/sleep, and general/vague feelings of unease/discontent. 

I have a special interest in working with dreams, as they offer us symbols and insights straight from the subconscious, unfiltered by our logcal mind.

The number of sessions needed will vary depending on the complexity of your issue.  Some clients continue with me for several months, which gives us a chance to really get to the bottom of, explore and clear what troubles them. At a minimum I recommend three sessions, (normally once a week) so that you can get a feel for how EFT works for you, and hopefully experience some measurable improvement.

Most common issues I support people with:

Depression/anxiety/sleep problems
Food cravings
Relationship issues
Anger management
Life transitions (eg separation, empty nest, menopause, life-changing illness)


  • Esoteric Hypnosis 9 session program $1350 ($150 per session)

  • All other services $85 per session


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