Anxiety, fear & phobia therapists
and counsellors in NZ
Counsellor - Motueka - Glen
Counselling Motueka
27 Pineview Way
7196 Motueka
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Glen | Counsellor

Counselling Motueka

Kia ora, my name is Glen, I live with my wife and two children in the Motueka river valley.

I know it can be hard to find the right counsellor. You are inviting someone into your inner world and that requires the courage to be vulnerable. It is a privilege to be part of my clients journey, it is sacred to me and I value the opportunity greatly. Your courage to reach out and be vulnerable will be met safely and with respect, a space to be seen, heard and understood. A space where healing can happen.


I'm a fully qualified counsellor and have provisional registration with NZCCA. I'm passionate about providing a person-centred service that is available to all and draws on modalities like Internal Family Systems therapy (IFS) and Coherence Therapy.


IFS is a complete, cutting edge form of individual growth and therapy. It is unfailingly kind, compassionate and accepting, and is effective whatever our personal goal, whether it’s healing from trauma, dealing with everyday problems, or personal and spiritual growth.


It also teaches us how to become our own inner healer, which is ultimately the only way that we can become whole.


I have worked with anger management, depression, anxiety, suicide ideation, addiction, personality disorder, ADHD, and personal development. My practice is trauma informed and I have a compassionate/non judgemental approach.


I'm willing to negotiate cost for services to help reduce any financial restrictions. The smallest amount of autonomy in your life can create a massive shift as you begin to trust yourself, I look forward to walking beside you on your journey.

Would you like to know more or make an appointment, feel free to contact me.


Online therapy

I use Cliniko to provide my clients with an encrypted video call appointment that is safe and secure. No apps or software is required, just a good internet connection. Click join appointment and it will direct you to our session

Qualifications and registrations

  • Bachelor of Counselling (BA Couns)  from NMIT
  • Coherence Practitioner  from Coherence Psychology Institute
  • IFS informed practitioner from IFSCA
  • Registered with NZCCA as provisional member
  • Annual practicing cert with NZCCA 3599



On line and in person 1 hour counselling sessions  $80, with discounts available for low income clients


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