Anxiety, fear & phobia therapists
and counsellors in NZ
Counsellor - Nelson - Fiona
Counselling Nelson
1 Braemar Place - Nelson South
7010 Nelson
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Fiona | Counsellor

Counselling Nelson

Hello and thank you for visiting my page. The first step of reaching out for help is often the hardest. Here is a bit about who I am, and how I work. . . 

What’s important to me:
I value respect, trust, relationship and connection and believe that everyone is entitled to having choice in their lives.  I provide a safe and confidential space where people can discuss what is important to them.  I believe that everyone is unique and that our stories are important and need to be heard. 

I offer respectful listening, creative and collaborative problem-solving, and time and space to reflect on how patterns of believing and behaving can impact our lives both positively and negatively.

How I work:
I provide a person-centred, strengths-based, non-judgmental approach in guiding people to examine and reshape their issues.

I work alongside people to better understand the source of their challenges, and to develop a plan for moving forward in their lives in a more balanced and integrated way.  I believe that in realigning with the purpose, meaning, and value in their life, people can feel better resourced, resilient, and stronger within themselves, their families, their workplaces, and their communities. 

I offer the Psychosynthesis counselling approach to understanding the connection between body, feelings and mind, and can also draw on Dance/Movement Therapy techniques for those wanting to explore kinesthetic work.

We cannot change what has happened in our lives, however, we can change how we carry what has happened. In this way, we can rewrite our stories and adopt a repertoire of choices to respond and relate to new events unfolding in our ever-changing lives.


Psychosynthesis is an approach to psychology that considers the deeper centre of identity, or the Self.  Individuals are considered unique in terms of purpose in life.  Spiritual, emotional, cognitive, and physical aspects of everyone’s well-being are all integrated into this method of understanding the human experience.

Dance/Movement Therapy

Dance/Movement Therapy is one of the Creative Arts Therapies that utilizes movement, props, and sensory experiences when addressing issues.  People are invited to consider how their challenges are held in their bodies and work on a kinesthic level to find a better feeling of balance in life.

People I work with:
I have experience providing one to one counselling for adult men, women, and non-binary people.  I have worked with a wide range of individuals with many different issues, including trauma, anxiety, depression, gender dysphoria, immigration, and grief & loss. 

I also have many years’ experience working in the disability sector, and specialize in working with people with intellectual disabilities, Traumatic Brain Injury, and who are neuro-diverse (ASD spectrum). 

If you would you like to know more about me, how I work, or to make an appointment, please get in touch.  I wish you luck on your journey and sincerely hope that you find more balance in your life.


Qualifications and registrations

  • BA Psychology
  • MA Dance/Movement Therapy
  • Diploma in Psychosynthesis Counselling
  • Full Member of NZAC



$80 standard
$60 WINZ clients (CSC holders)


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