See all the registrations below.
- ACC - ACC Registered Counsellor / Provider
- ANZACATA - Australian, New Zealand and Asian Creative Arts Therapies Association
- ANZAP - Australia and New Zealand Association of Psychotherapy
- ANZASW - Aotearoa New Zealand Association for Social Workers
- ANZCAL - Australia and New Zealand Coaching Alliance
- CDANZ - Career Development Association of New Zealand
- DAPAANZ - Drug and Alcohol Practitioners’ Association Aotearoa–New Zealand
- EFT International
- EMDRNZ - The NZ Association For EMDR Therapists
- GANZ - Gestalt Australia & New Zealand
- IAC - International Association for Counselling
- ICF - International Coach Federation
- IICT - International Institute for Complementary Therapists
- ITAA - International Transactional Analysis Association
- NMHNZ - Naturopaths & Medical Herbalists of New Zealand
- NZAC - New Zealand Association of Counsellors
- NZAP - New Zealand Association of Psychotherapists
- NZAPH - The New Zealand Association of Professional Hypnotherapists Inc.
- NZAPP - New Zealand Association of Positive Psychology
- NZCCA - New Zealand Christian Counsellors Association
- NZCCP - NZ College of Clinical Psychologists
- NZCEFT - New Zealand Community for Emotionally Focused Therapy
- NZPB - New Zealand Psychology Board
- NZPsS - The New Zealand Psychology Society
- NZSCAH - New Zealand Society of Clinical & Applied Hypnotherapy
- OTBNZ - Occupational Therapy Board of New Zealand
- PAnzA - Psychosynthesis Association of Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia
- PBANZ - The Psychotherapists Board of Aotearoa New Zealand
- SWRB - Social Workers Registration Board
- TCNZ - Therapycounselling NZ
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